Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wine Five #1

About a month ago John and I randomly decided that making a video series where we drink and talk about wine (but mostly drink) would be ridiculous amounts of fun. That is how the first (and hopefully not last!) Wine Five came into creation. 

For the record we made this around 2am after several glasses of wine. The original cut was much longer and a ton more ridiculous.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stand-in post

Last summer was when I was very much obsessed with rosés, that was pretty much all I drank. This was before they were cool too, so go me for being ahead of the curve for once (I know, I'm such a hipster). This summer I've been more interested in random, hard-to-find-in-San-Antonio varietals (like Roussanne and Grenache Blanc) and don't honestly think I've bought more than two or three bottles of rosé. So I find it slightly interesting that two of the hands down, most outstanding wines I've had in the past six months have both been rosés. 

I plan on doing posts on both wines in the very near future, this is really just a stand-in to make up for the fact that I've been too lazy to write anything of substance lately. Plus my partner-in-crime finally got one of these gorgeous wines in our store this week (Inman Family's Endless Crush Rosé, $23.99 at Whole Foods Quarry in San Antonio, TX!) so I'm incredibly excited about that. I promise something better post-wise in the very near future!